
Hong Kong Learning and Teaching Expo 2019

Last updated on 17 May 2022 11:20

The Digital Citizenship team participated in the Learning & Teaching Expo 2019 from 11 – 13 December 2019 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The team spoke at both the main stage and presented at the Future Learning Theatre.

Date11-13 December 2019 (Wednesday - Friday)
Main Stage

Growing up as Digital Citizens in Hong Kong: Findings from a multi-age study

Prof. Nancy Law, Deputy Director, Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE), Faculty of Education, HKU
Dr. Frank Reichert, HKU
Formal education prepares children and youth to participate as constructive members of the society they belong to. School-aged children in Hong Kong have been exposed to digital devices from a very young age. However, that does not necessarily guarantee that they have the ability and disposition to participate adequately for individual and social well-being in the digitally connected world around us. In this talk, the speakers from HKU introduced the research findings from stage 1 of their 5-year longitudinal study on Learning and Assessment of Digital Citizenship. In particular, they provided an overview of children’s development in digital literacy and collaborative problem-solving ability from age 8 to 15, as well as their attitude and practices towards digital technology use within and outside of schools. The talk also gave brief information about educational resources and online courses to help students to become smart digital citizens.
Future Learning Theatre

How to Raise Smart Digitai Leaders: A Smarter Online Program

Dr. Mona Wong, Project Manager, "Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship" Project, The University of Hong Kong

Dr. Xiaojuan Ma, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Mr. Albert Lo, Program Manager, Hong Kong Virtual University, c/o Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Mr. Landon Lan, Senior Research Assistant, "Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship" Project, The University of Hong Kong

Miss Haley Tsang, PhD Candidate, "Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship" Project, The University of Hong Kong

Miss Molly Kong, PhD Candidate, "Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship" Project, The University of Hong Kong

Contact Us

Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship
Faculty of Education
Runme Shaw Building
University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong



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